GDG Taipei 今次為大家邀請了一班遠道而來的 Google 講者來個近距離接觸,如果是你個 Android 開發者,或是熱愛其他 Google 科技的技術人,千萬別錯過這次 Google 技術饗宴!
GDG Taipei proudly presents a group of Google speakers from around the globe. We would like to invite all Android developers or Google enthusiasts to come learn about the latest development of Android and other Google technologies.
Please don’t miss this great opportunity!
We also require some speakers for lightening talk, please register on above link.
Schedule & Speakers
8:30 ~ 9:20
報到 Registration
9:20 ~ 10:00
Android Platform Updates - Tony Chan, Developer Advocate, Google
10:00 ~ 10:40
Google+ Platform Updates - Chris Cartland, Developer Advocate, Google
11:00 ~ 11:40
Maps Platform Updates - Anthony Morris, Software Engineer, Google
=== Lunch Time 午餐時間 ===
13:20 ~ 14:00
What's new in Google Apps - Arun Nagarajan, Developer Advocate, Google
14:00 ~ 14:40
Google Play Game Services - Dan Galpin, Developer Advocate, Google
15:00 ~ 15:40
Payment new features and IABv3 - Ryosuke Matsuuchi, Developer Advocate, Google)
15:40 ~ 16:30
閃電秀 Lightening Talk(徵稿中,請至
2013/9/28(六)8:30 AM @ 慶隆商務中心
地址 Address
106-65 台北市大安區復興南路一段293號3樓之1
3F-1, 293 Fuxing South Road Section 1, Taipei, TAIWAN 10665
- 現場備有零食、點心、飲料,也歡迎自己帶。(不含午餐)
- GTUG (GDG) 是純社群組織活動。
- 本活動需要報名才能參加,無法出席本活動的報名人請取消報名,把機會讓給可以來的朋友。
- 場地有免費無線網路,別忘了可以帶電腦來參加;有名片也可以準備一下來交朋友。
- 由於使用 Apple 筆電的人數眾多,請各位盡量攜帶延長電源線以免佔用插座。
- 如果想要投稿閃電秀 Lightening Talk(5 分鐘的演講),請到此網址報名: